AlphaTrion's Base

Better than your least favorite DJ

An Update

Lately I’ve had people ask me what’s going on with the blog, mix tapes, website etc. To let you know, I’m still moving forward with the blog but I’ve had to spend the last few months getting my house in order, literally and figuratively.

Last December, I lost my day job and spent about a month out of work during which time I missed some bills including the one for keeping the domain name, which is why the site no longer exists.

Since then, I’ve gotten a new job and I’ve been focusing on getting bills caught up so I can get back to doing what I love. The new job is an hour away not including Atlanta traffic and I work a lot of overtime so I’m mentally spent most days. Working on mixes and blog posts is tough in that state. I’ve also tried to book less gigs the past few months. Driving ten hours a week makes you rethink driving another ten on the weekend when you’re already a bit broke and you sometimes only break even in the end. Plus, over the years I’ve noticed I need a break from jams every now and then to keep things fresh for myself. I’ve never wanted DJ’ing to feel like a job and these small, occasional hiatuses definitely help.

It’s taken some time but I’m at a point now that things are a bit more in order financially and I’ve gotten into the swing of things with work that I still feel energized when I get home (i.e., I’ve started drinking coffee).

Over the next few weeks I’m going to be starting things up again. I’m finalizing a playlist for the next Bashville All Styles mix which should be out by the first of December, in time for the Just All Styles battle I’ll be DJ’ing in Nashville. I’m working on more blog entries to put up and looking to have a new website up around January or February (by the way, if anyone has some web design skills, hit me up). Until then the blog will live here and my music can be found on Soundcloud. I also have a few surprises planned for later in the year that aren’t ready to be announced yet.

Thanks to everyone that has talked to me about the blog, shared some of my articles, listened to my mixes, hired me or showed up to a gig I was playing. Your support is appreciated and I hope to show that any way I can.


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This entry was posted on November 15, 2012 by in Uncategorized.